Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Directions

I spent some time during the holidays thinking about the direction I wanted to go with blogging.

Back in November, I made the decision to pursue food/travel/gardening writing as an avocation (I like that word better than "career" which still reminds me of those awful suits with bow ties that I wore back in the 80s).

I figured I would need a new blog centered around food, and toyed around with some names. One was Trois Grandmeres, in honor of my two grandmother's and Chicago Man's Polish grandmother, who from what I hear, cooked up some fabulous meals.

Another name was Three Cats and a Kitchen, and I even went so far as to create a blog with that name on WordPress. But I never posted an entry.

In the end, I decided to stick with this blog, Like A Flower Unfolding, which originally was created to document my spiritual journey.

Because experiencing and sharing food, gardening, and travel and then writing about it, is how I live out my spiritual journey.

I haven't been so excited about anything in a long, long time!

I guess you could say that I have wished myself "bon appetit", and my good appetite is for life!

I hope yours is, too.

The photo above, by the way, was taken on Christmas Eve 2009 on the Belmont University ( campus. That's how warm it was in Nashville this fall. I'm sure the very cold temperatures in early January put an end to the blooms...but only for a few months.

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